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Practical. Implementable. Successful.
We offer you added value.

Unternehmensentwicklung mit der Augur Pro: Praxisnah. Umsetzbar. Erfolgreich. Wir bieten Ihnen einen echten Mehrwert.

Our range of services

Are you looking for more than just business consulting? Do you want practical solutions that will really move your company forward? Then you have come to the right place.

Our network consists of experienced experts from various industries.

Our experts are actively involved in business and therefore have extensive experience. This is what makes us unique: we don't just tell you what you should do, we work with you in a practical way to find the best way to achieve your goals.

With us you will achieve your goals:


Proven and implementable solutions.

More effective

With expert knowledge from different areas.


With solutions that last in the long term.

Economic Consulting

Sales Consulting

Digital Consulting

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Bunsenstraße 1 | 82152 Planegg/Martinsried

+49 89 1250312-10

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